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Frédéric Skoczylas:About Biot's coefficient measurements of a clay rock-Argillite
發布時間:2018年09月02日 13:28    作者:    點擊:[]

主講人:Professor Frédéric Skoczylas

Frédéric Skoczylas, Full Professor Exc. Class, Head of Civil Engineering in Laboratory at Centralle Lille (GEOM team of LML, CNRS) in France. Prof. Skoczylas is also Senior Consultant and Expert for Andra, EDF, Engie-Storengy, and Ondraf in charge of the nuclear waste storage projects in Europe.

For research activities, in the past 25 years, Prof.Skoczylas has designed and developed new and efficient tools/models to measure/simulate low to very low gas and liquid permeability, poromechanical properties of porous materials (tight gas rocks, granite, argillite, concrete, etc.), as well as nondestructive in-situ measurements of water saturation and cracking for aforementioned media. Prof. Skoczylas has also contributed a lot on understanding the behavior of cap rocks, tight gas rocks and the aging process of boreholes submitted to sand production due to their aging.

Thanks to these work, Prof. Skoczylas has published around 80 academic papers in Top International Journals, such as Int.J.Rock Mech.Min.Sci, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Soils and Foundations, Cement and Concrete Research, Cement & Concrete composites, Applied Clay Science, Transport in Porous Media, etc.

主持人:韓勃 山東大教授 土建與水利學院副院長

時間安排:2018年9月4日 上午9:00



上一條:趙堅教授:Writing good scientific papers for international journals 下一條:鄭皆連院士:複雜山區大跨鐵路拱橋


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