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王冀鵬   Prof. WANG Ji-Peng








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2006-2010   四川大學,水利水電工程專業,學士

2009-2010   英國諾丁漢大學,土木工程,碩士 (一等榮譽學位)

2010-2015   英國諾丁漢大學,岩土工程,博士


2011-2015   英國諾丁漢大學,教學助理(兼職)

2015-2018   比利時布魯塞爾自由大學,博士後研究員


2018.9-至今 山東大學,教授、博導


1.     -宏觀岩土力學

·       離散元數值模拟與高性能計算

·       高精度岩土材料三維CT成像分析

·       多相岩土體水力及力學特性

2.     生态岩土工程

·       邊坡水文與穩定性評價

·       氣候變化條件下植被與土的相互作用

·       微生物誘導碳酸鈣沉澱(MICP)加固技術

3.     無人機基礎設施智慧運維技術

·       無人機邊坡危岩與邊坡變形智慧識别與監測

·       無人機水利、交通等基礎設施智慧巡檢

4.     土遺址與磚石質文物保護

·       夯土遺址的劣化機理與保護措施

·       磚石質文物的修複與保護



2022-2024 國家重點研發計劃 “氣候變化背景下植被與土的相互作用”270萬元(國撥100萬元) (主持)

2021-2026  國家海外引進高層次青年人才項目 “多相岩土材料微宏觀力學” 200萬元 (主持)

2021-2024 山東大學-博遠視訊無人機基礎設施智慧運維研究中心項目 300萬元(主持)

2021-2022  中國國家自然科學基金,國際合作與交流項目,“基于微觀尺度毛細作用和交界面張力效應的非飽和土力學研究” 10萬元 (主持)

2020-2022  中國國家自然科學基金,“非飽和土中氣固液三相交界面的微觀作用機理研究” 26.5萬元 (主持)

2020-2022 無錫市鴻山(國家)考古遺址公園,“邱承墩大墓變形監測”10萬元 (主持)

2019-2024  山東省政府泰山學者青年專家科研項目  50萬元 (主持)

2018-2023  山東大學齊魯青年學者科研項目  100萬元 (主持)

2015-2018  比利時國家科學基金項目:“Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials  50萬歐元  (主研)

2015-2018  比利時聯邦科技政策辦公室IAP項目:“Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension  20萬歐元  (參與)

2010-2014  英國諾丁漢大學工學部長卓越獎學金博士研究項目  (主持)





GéotechniqueWater Resources ResearchActa GeotechnicaPowder TechnologyJournal of Engineering MechanicsTransport in Porous Media等十餘個著名國際期刊審稿專家

代表論文 (第一或通訊作者*)

  1. Wang, J.-P.*, Luan, J.-Y., Gao, X.-G., Liu, T.-H., Ando, E., and François,      B. 2022. A Micro-Investigation of Unsaturated Sand      in Mini-Triaxial Compression based on Micro-CT Image Analysis, Acta      Geotechnica, 17, 4799–4821.

  2. Gao, X.-G., Sha, J.-F., Qi, M., Luan, J.-Y.,      and Liu, T.-H., Wang, J.-P.*, 2022. A triple-source CT system for      micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study, Applied      Radiation and Isotopes, 190:110510.

  3. Wang,      J.-P., Tan, Y.-R., Bai, M.-H., Gao, X.-G., Dadda, A., Zhang, J., 2022. Hydrologic effects of vegetation on slope protection in Yellow      River Basin in China, Plant and Soils, (under review)

  4. Luan, J.-Y., Wang,      J.-P.*, Dadda, A., Gao, X.-G., Bai, M.-H., 2022. A miniature triaxial      compression apparatus of unsaturated granular material suits for X-ray      μ-CT scanning system, Experimental Mechanics, (under review)

  5. Wang, J.-P.*, François, B., and Lambert, P. 2020. From basic particle      gradation parameters to water retention curves and tensile strength of      unsaturated sandy soils, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(6):      05020003. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677

6.      Cui X., Zhang X., Wang J.-P.*, Zhang J., Qi H., Li J. 2020. X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. Construction and Building Materials, 262: 120075.

7.      Wang, J.-P.*, Lambert, P., DeKock, T., Cnudde, V., & François, B., 2019, Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography image analysis. Acta Geotechnica, 14(5), 1545-1559. doi:10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2

8.      Wang, J.-P.*, Andò, E., Charrier, P., Salager, S., Lambert, P., & François, B., 2019, Micro investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. Géotechnique Letters, 9(4), 269–277. doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.

9.      Wang, J.-P.*, Zeng, G.-H., and Yu, H.-S. 2019. The critical state of wet granular matters with capillary effect: a micromechanical study, Computational Particle Mechanics, 6(4), 637-655. doi:10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2

  1. Wang,      J.-P., Zhuang, P.-Z., et al., 2019,      Estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of granular soils from      particle size parameters, Water, 11(9), 1826.      doi.org/10.3390/w11091826

  2. Wang,      J.-P.*, Li, X., and Yu, H.-S., 2018, A      micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet      granular materials, Acta Geotechnica, 13(3): 513-533, doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0

  3. Wang,      J.-P.*, Hu, N., François, B., and Lambert, P.      2017. Estimating water      retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from      basic soil gradation parameters. Water Resources Research,      53(7): 6069-6088, doi:10.1002/2017WR020411

  4. Wang,      J.-P.*, François, B., and Lambert, P. 2017. Equations for hydraulic      conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional      analysis. Water Resources Research, 53(9): 8127-8134,      doi:10.1002/2017WR020888

  5. Wang,      J.-P.*, Gallo, E., François, B., Gabrieli, F.,      and Lambert, P., 2017, Capillary      force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical      bodies. Powder Technology, 305: 89–98. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060

  6. Wang,      J.-P., Li, X., and Yu, H.-S.*, 2017, Stress-force-fabric      relationship for unsaturated granular materials in pendular states. Journal      of Engineering Mechanics, 143(9), 04017068.      doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283

  7. Wang,      J.-P.*, 2017, Force Transmission Modes of      Non-Cohesive and Cohesive Materials at the Critical State. Materials,      10(9): 1014. doi:10.3390/ma10091014 

  8. Wang, J.-P., Li, X., and Yu, H.S., 2015, A micromechanical interpretation      of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular      state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, Taylor      and Francis - Balkema. pp. 1563–1568.


1.       王冀鵬; 高旭光; 栾紀元; 劉太衡; 沙俊峰; 齊萌; 一種三源三探測器結合的工業CT快速掃描系統及方法,2021-01-29,中國,CN202110124424.9    (發明專利,已授權)

2.       王冀鵬; 栾紀元; 劉太衡; 譚怡然; 适用工業CT掃描的微型溫控非飽和土三軸試驗儀及方法, 2021-01-12, 中國, ZL201910778356.0     (發明專利,已授權)

3.       王冀鵬; 劉太衡; 譚怡然; 栾紀元; 适用于工業CT掃描的微型土水特征曲線試驗裝置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中國, ZL201910778457.8     (發明專利,已授權)

4.       王冀鵬; 沙俊鋒; 高旭光; 譚怡然; 适用于CT掃描的植物根系吸水過程試驗裝置及方法,2021-12-10,中國,ZL202011446926.5    (發明專利,已授權)

5.       王冀鵬; 齊萌; 沙俊鋒; 高旭光; 适用于CT掃描的微生物誘導碳酸鈣沉澱試驗裝置及方法,2022-05-30,中國,CN2022105992722(發明專利,實審)

6.       Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, 美國,US11119056B2  (美國發明專利,已授權)

7.       Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2021-10-29, 17/505, 082. (美國發明專利,實審)

8.       Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2021-10-29, 2029620. (荷蘭發明專利,實審)




Prof. Ji-Peng WANG


  Professor in Geomechancis and Hydraulic Engineering

  National Talent Plan for Oversea Young Scholars

  Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province (Young Professional)

  Qilu Young Scholar of Shandong University

  Secretary of International Affairs of the School

  International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University

Research Areas: micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials, ecological geotechnical engineering, UAV based smart maintenance of infrastructures, earthen ruins and masonry heritage conservation, etc.

Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn


2006-2010     SiChuan University, China, BEng

BEng in Hydraulic and Hydro-electric Engineering.

2009-2010     University of Nottingham, UK, MSc (with distinction)

MSc in Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering

2011-2015     University of Nottingham, UK, PhD

PhD in Geomechanics

Working Experience:

2011-2015     University of Nottingham, Teaching Assistant (part-time)

2015-2018     Université Libre de Bruxelles, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Funded by FNRS and collaborated with Ghent University and Université Grenoble Alpes (Lab 3SR)

2018.9-now   Shandong University, Professor

Research Interests:

  1. Micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials

·       DEM modelling and coupling with multiphase fluid

·       Three dimensional analysis of high-resolution micro-CT

·       Hydraulic and mechanical behaviours of unsaturated geomaterials

  1. Ecological geotechnical      engineering

·       Rainfall infiltration effects on slope hydrology and stability

·       Vegetation and soil-root interactions under the context of climate change

·       Microbial-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) reinforcement technology

  1. UAV based infrastructure      intelligent operation and maintenance

·       UAV based dangerous rock slope deformation monitoring and warning

·       UAV based intelligent infrastructure disease detection

  1. Earthen ruins and masonry      heritage conservation

·       Deterioration mechanisms of rammed earth relic

·       MICP reinforcement of earthen and masonry heritage

Research Projects:

2022-2024    China Key R & D plan: “Interactions between plant and soil on the context of climate change” 2,000,000 CNY (PI)

2021-2023    China National Young Talent Programme: “Micro-Macro Mechanics of Multi-phase Geomaterials”    2,000,000 CNY  (PI)

2022-2025    Shandong University-Bowee Vision UAV based Infrastructure Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Research Centre Project  3,000,000 CNY  (PI)

2021-2022     NSFC-FNRS joint project: “Unsaturated soil mechanics from capillary and surface tension effects at microscale”     100,000 CNY   (PI)

2020-2022     NSFC research project: “A micro-investigation on the air-water-solid interface effects in unsaturated soils”     267,000 CNY     (PI)

2020-2022     Wuxi Hongshan (National) Archaeological Site Park: "Qiuchengdun Tomb Deformation Monitoring" 100,000 CNY (PI)

2019-2024     Research project of the Taishan Scholar Programme of Shandong Province (Young Professional Programme)     500,000 CNY     (PI)

2018-2023     Research project of the Qilu Young Scholar Programme of Shandong University     1,000,000 CNY  (PI)

2015-2018     FNRS project: “Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials”     500,000 euros     (main researcher)

2015-2018     BELSPO IAP project: “Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension”  200,000 euros     (involved)

2010-2014     Research project of the Dean’s Scholarship of University of Nottingham (prize holder)

Academic Services:

Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Senior Member of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society

Member of China Civil Engineering Society

International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University

Reviewer for leading international journals including: Géotechnique, Water Resources Research, Acta Geotechnica, Powder Technology, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, International Journal of Geomechanics, Transport in Porous Media, etc.

Selective Publications (first or corresponding author*):

  1. Wang, J.-P.*, Luan, J.-Y., Gao, X.-G., Liu, T.-H., Ando, E., and François,      B. 2022. A Micro-Investigation of Unsaturated Sand      in Mini-Triaxial Compression based on Micro-CT Image Analysis, Acta      Geotechnica, 17, 4799–4821, doi:10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7

  2. Gao, X.-G., Sha, J.-F., Qi, M., Wang, J.-P.*, Luan, J.-Y., and Liu, T.-H. 2022. A triple-source CT system for      micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study, Applied      Radiation and Isotopes, 190:110510, doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110510

  3. Wang,      J.-P., Tan, Y.-R., Bai, M.-H., Gao, X.-G., Dadda, A., Zhang, J., 2022. Hydrologic effects of vegetation on slope protection in Yellow      River Basin in China, Plant and Soils, (under review)

  4. Luan, J.-Y., Wang,      J.-P.*, Dadda, A., Gao, X.-G., Bai, M.-H., 2022. A miniature triaxial      compression apparatus of unsaturated granular material suits for X-ray      μ-CT scanning system, Experimental Mechanics, (under review)

  5. Wang, J.-P.*, François, B., and Lambert, P. 2020. From basic particle      gradation parameters to water retention curves and tensile strength of      unsaturated sandy soils, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(6):      05020003. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677

6.      Cui X., Zhang X., Wang J.-P.*, Zhang J., Qi H., Li J. 2020. X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. Construction and Building Materials, 262: 120075.

7.      Wang, J.-P.*, Lambert, P., DeKock, T., Cnudde, V., & François, B., 2019, Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography image analysis. Acta Geotechnica, 14(5), 1545-1559. doi:10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2

8.      Wang, J.-P.*, Andò, E., Charrier, P., Salager, S., Lambert, P., & François, B., 2019, Micro investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. Géotechnique Letters, 9(4), 269–277. doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.

9.      Wang, J.-P.*, Zeng, G.-H., and Yu, H.-S. 2019. The critical state of wet granular matters with capillary effect: a micromechanical study, Computational Particle Mechanics, 6(4), 637-655. doi:10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2

  1. Wang,      J.-P., Zhuang, P.-Z., et al., 2019,      Estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of granular soils from      particle size parameters, Water, 11(9), 1826.      doi.org/10.3390/w11091826

  2. Wang,      J.-P.*, Li, X., and Yu, H.-S., 2018, A      micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet      granular materials, Acta Geotechnica, 13(3): 513-533, doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0

  3. Wang,      J.-P.*, Hu, N., François, B., and Lambert, P.      2017. Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of      unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters. Water      Resources Research, 53(7): 6069-6088, doi:10.1002/2017WR020411

  4. Wang,      J.-P.*, François, B., and Lambert, P. 2017.      Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size      distribution: A dimensional analysis. Water Resources Research,      53(9): 8127-8134, doi:10.1002/2017WR020888

  5. Wang,      J.-P.*, Gallo, E., François, B., Gabrieli, F.,      and Lambert, P., 2017, Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid      bridges between three spherical bodies. Powder Technology, 305:      89–98. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060

  6. Wang,      J.-P., Li, X., and Yu, H.-S.*, 2017,      Stress-force-fabric relationship for unsaturated granular materials in      pendular states. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(9), 04017068.      doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283

  7. Wang, J.-P.*, 2017, Force Transmission Modes of Non-Cohesive and Cohesive      Materials at the Critical State. Materials, 10(9): 1014.      doi:10.3390/ma10091014 

  8. Wang, J.-P., Li, X., and Yu, H.S., 2015, A micromechanical interpretation      of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular      state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, Taylor      and Francis - Balkema. pp. 1563–1568.

Invention Patents:

1.       王冀鵬; 高旭光; 栾紀元; 劉太衡; 沙俊峰; 齊萌; 一種三源三探測器結合的工業CT快速掃描系統及方法,2021-01-29,中國,CN202110124424.9   (Authorized Invention Patent)

2.       王冀鵬; 栾紀元; 劉太衡; 譚怡然; 适用工業CT掃描的微型溫控非飽和土三軸試驗儀及方法, 2021-01-12, 中國, ZL201910778356.0    (Authorized Invention Patent)

3.       王冀鵬; 劉太衡; 譚怡然; 栾紀元; 适用于工業CT掃描的微型土水特征曲線試驗裝置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中國, ZL201910778457.8   (Authorized Invention Patent)

4.       王冀鵬; 沙俊鋒; 高旭光; 譚怡然; 适用于CT掃描的植物根系吸水過程試驗裝置及方法,2021-12-10,中國,ZL202011446926.5    (Authorized Invention Patent)

5.       王冀鵬; 齊萌; 沙俊鋒; 高旭光; 适用于CT掃描的微生物誘導碳酸鈣沉澱試驗裝置及方法,2022-05-30,中國,CN2022105992722  (Actual trial)

6.       Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, US11119056B2 (US Patent, Authorized)

7.       Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2021-10-29, 17/505, 082. (US Patent, Actual trial)

8.       Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2021-10-29, 2029620. (Netherland Patent, Actual trial)

Recruitment Information:

Students (and international students) with qualitative backgrounds in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and other relevant areas are welcomed to apply for master, PhD and postdoctoral positions!!


Address: Tudong Building 414, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, 17922 Jingshi Road, Jinan 250061, China

Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn  or  ji-peng.wang@outlook.com


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