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朱家明,博士,教授,博士生導師。2017年于香港科技大學獲哲學博士學位,随後在香港城市大學和香港理工大學進行博士後研究。主持和參與了科技部重點研發計劃子課題、國家自然科學基金(NSFC)、美國國家自然科學基金、香港理工大學博士後研究基金、香港研究資助局(RGC)、新金屬材料國家重點實驗室等組織機構的科研項目。2020年入選山東大學齊魯青年學者計劃并加入山東大學工程力學系。主要從事多場耦合下智能材料和結構材料微觀結構與宏觀力學性質關系的計算和實驗研究,緻力于通過濃度梯度工程和微觀結構設計發展高性能智能材料、建立材料微觀結構與宏觀性質之間的關聯。已在包括Materials Today, Materials Horizons, Acta Materialia, International Journal of Plasticity, Nano Energy, Materials Science and Engineering A, Nanoscale等國際著名期刊發表學術論文20餘篇。研究成果獲香港科技大學海外研究獎并多次受到科技媒體進行專題報道。


2013-2017 香港科技大學 機械工程系 哲學博士

導師:張統一 院士

2010-2013 中國科學院力學研究所 碩士

2006-2010 山東大學 工程力學系 學士


2020-至今    山東大學      工程力學系         教授、博士生導師、齊魯青年學者

2019-2020 香港理工大學   機械工程系         校聘博士後

合作導師:San-Qiang Shi 教授

2018-2019 香港城市大學   機械工程系         博士後

合作導師:Chain-Tsuan Liu 院士

2015-2015 俄亥俄州立大學   材料科學與工程系 訪問學者

導師:Yunzhi Wang 教授


1.     多場耦合作用下的微觀結構演化與宏觀力學性質。

2.     固态相變和擴散。

3.     智能材料與結構的穩定性分析與設計。

4.     多尺度計算機模拟及其并行實現。


代表性論文 # 共同一作, * 通訊作者)

1.       J. M. Zhu*, H. Wu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, T. Zhang, H. Xiao, Y. Wang*, S. Q. Shi*. Influence of Ni4Ti3 precipitation on martensitic transformations in NiTi shape memory alloy: R phase transformation. Acta Materialia, (2021) 207, 116665.

2.       J. M. Zhu*, P. Chen#, H. Wu, G. Zhang, F. Hao*, K. Li*. Direct experimental evidence for the non-linear elasticity of multi-functional alloy Ti2448. Composites Communications, (2021) 24, 100672.

3.       H. Wu, Y. Ke, J. M. Zhu, Z. Wu, X. Wang*. Effects of magnetic frequency and the coupled magnetic-mechanical loading on a ferromagnetic shape memory alloy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2021) 54, 155301.

4.       F. Zhuo, H. Qiao, J. M. Zhu*, S. Wang*, Y. Bai, X. Mao, H. Wu*. Perspective on antiferroelectrics for energy storage and conversion applications. Chinese Chemical Letters, In press.

5.       H. Huang; Y. Yang, J. M. Zhu, Hong-Hui Wu*, B. Huang*, Rational design of black phosphorene/g-C3B heterostructures as high-performance electrodes for Li and Na-ion batteries, Applied Surface Science, (2021) 561, 150093.

6.       B. Wu, H. Fu, X. Zhou, L. Qian, J. Luo, J. M. Zhu, W.B. Lee, X.S. Yang*, Severe plastic deformation-produced gradient nanostructured copper with a strengthening-softening transition, Materials Science & Engineering A, (2021) 819, 141495.

7.       J. M. Zhu, D. Wang, Y. Gao, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Linear-Superelastic Metals by Controlled Strain Release via Nanoscale Concentration-Gradient Engineering. Materials Today, (2020) 33, 17-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2019.10.003

8.       J. M. Zhu, H. Wu, X. S. Yang, H. He, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*, S. Q. Shi*. Dissecting the influence of concentration modulation on martensitic transformation evidenced in multifunctional alloys. Acta Materialia, (2019) 181, 99-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.09.044

9.       J. M. Zhu, Y. Gao, D. Wang, J. Li, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Making metals linear super-elastic with ultralow modulus and nearly zero hysteresis. Materials Horizons, (2019) 6, 515-523. DOI: 10.1039/C8MH01141A. This paper was selected as a cover story of the issue and was reported by Science Daily.

10.    J. M. Zhu, T.L. Zhang, Y. Yang, C.T. Liu*. Phase field study of the copper precipitation in Fe-Cu alloy. Acta Materialia, (2019) 166, 560-571. DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.01.009

11.    J. M. Zhu, Y. Gao, D. Wang, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Taming martensitic transformation via concentration modulation at nanoscale. Acta Materialia, (2017) 130, 196-207. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.03.042

12.    J. M. Zhu, H. Wu, D. Wang, Y. Gao, H. Wang, Y. Hao, R. Yang, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Crystallographic analysis and phase field simulation of transformation plasticity in a multifunctional β-Ti alloy. International Journal of Plasticity, (2017) 89, 110-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2016.11.006

13.    T.L. Zhang, D. Wang, J. M. Zhu, H. Xiao, C.T. Liu*, Y. Wang*. Non-conventional transformation pathways and ultrafine lamellar structures in γ-TiAl alloys. Acta Materialia, (2020) 189, 25-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.02.053

14.    H. Huang, H. Wu, C. Chi, J. M. Zhu, B. Huang*, T. Y. Zhang*, Out-of-plane ion transport makes nitrogenated holey graphite a promising high-rate anode for both Li and Na ion batteries, Nanoscale, (2019) 11, 18758-18768, DOI: 10.1039/C9NR06011A

15.    K. Pan*, K. Shan, S. Wei*, Y. Zhao, L. Xu, J.M. Zhu, H. Wu*, Two-step alcohothermal synthesis and characterization of enhanced visible-light-active WO3-coated TiO2 heterostructure, Ceramics International, (2020) 46, 2102-2109, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.09.192

16.    K. Pan*, K. Shan, S. Wei*, K. Li, J. M. Zhu, S. H. Siyal, H. Wu*, Enhanced photocatalytic performance of WO3-x with oxygen vacancies via heterostructuring, Composites Communications, (2019) 16, 106-110, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coco.2019.09.003

17.    H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Pseudo-first-order phase transition for ultrahigh positive/negative electrocaloric effects in perovskite ferroelectrics. Nano Energy, (2015) 16, 419-427. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.06.030

18.    H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Double Hysteresis Loops and Large Negative and Positive Electrocaloric Effects in Tetragonal Ferroelectrics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2015) 17, 23897-23908. DOI: 10.1039/C5CP02765A

19.    H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Size-dependent ultrahigh electrocaloric effect near pseudo-first-order phase transition temperature in barium titanate nanoparticles. RSC Advances, (2015) 5, 37476-37484. DOI: 10.1039/c5ra05008a

20.    H. Wu, S. G. Cao, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. The frequency-dependent behavior of a ferroelectric single crystal with dislocation arrays. Acta Mechanica, (2017) 228, 2811-2817. DOI: 10.1007/s00707-015-1512-2



[1]     Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International 青年編委

[2]     鋼鐵研究學報中文版 青年編委

[3]     有色金屬智庫 專家顧問

[4]     十餘個國際學術期刊審稿人,包括Materials Today; Materials Horizons; Acta Materialia; Nanoscale; Nanoscale Horizons; Materialia; Composites Communications等國際主流SCI期刊。







上一條:劉人太教授 下一條:張林教授


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